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About Us

The purpose and objectives of the Incident Prevention Association of Manitoba are:

  1. To devise ways and means of improving incident prevention methods and education;
  2. To function as a body from which incident prevention information may be disseminated;
  3. To co-operate with other organizations in incident prevention and occupational health and safety.

Incorporated in 1961, it has become a focal point for the exchange of health and safety information. Commerce, Industry, Government & individuals in the Province of Manitoba, who are interested in health and safety are eligible for full membership.

Our program committee arranges lectures, round table discussions, workshop sessions and tours for the education and instruction of our members.

Our members and associated members attend a monthly meeting the second Friday of every month except July and August. The format is typically breakfast meetings with the occasional dinner meeting.

Membership fees are renewable annually.

Our History


Incorporated in 1961 by a group of individuals passionate about the safety and health of all Manitobans, over the last 60 years, the association has become a focal point for the exchange of health and safety information.

The vision of our founders was to devise a ways and means of improving incident prevention methods and education; to function as a body from which incident prevention information may be disseminated; and in cooperation with other like-minded organizations in incident prevention and occupational health and safety, work together to educate leaders in the safety and health community.

Commerce, industry, government and individuals in the Province of Manitoba, who are interested in health and safety are members of IPAM.

Some of the ways that IPAM provides important safety and health information include:


Name change in 2012 to:
IPAM – Incident Prevention Association of Manitoba

Frederick G. Brooks
Wilfred Bruce
John Campbell
John Dickson
Donald W. Egles
James J. Gaunt
John M. Greenaway
Harold Hildebrand
Arnold Mattern
David W. McCutcheon
John McPherson
Horace E. Nicholas
Everett E. Sliter
Kenneth T. Smith
Ronald Vale
John T. Vanchuk
Leslie Walker
Rogert G. Watson
William A. Willison



1961-1962 – John Dickson
1962-1964 – H.E. Nicholas
1964-1965 – Dan Mars
1965-1966 – L.W. Broadhurst
1966-1967 – W.E. Munro
1967-1969 – A.H. Peterson
1969-1970 – A.R. Ainslie
1970-1971 – R.A. Blondahl
1971-1972 – J. Verbrugge
1972-1974 – D. Drew
1974-1976 – D.J. Sheppard
1976-1977 – E. Gerbrandt
1977-1979 – H. Saunders
1979-1980 – Keith G. Antonsen
1981-1982 – Geoff Hayes
1982-1983 – Ed Mireau
1983-1985 – Ron Dewar
1986-1991 – Hank Redbourn
1991-1993 – M. Lamont
1993-1996 – D. Bradie
1996-1998 – Bill Humiski
1998-1999 – W. Donnelly
1999-2004 – B. Ramey
2004-2006 – C. Wright
2006-2007 – Y. Thompson
2007-2010 – R. Bevan
2010-2016 – Karen Turner
2016-2018 – K. Petaski
2017-2019 – R. Fletcher
2019-2020 – L. Cherniak
2020-2021 – L. Cherniak
2021-2023 – Meghan Storey
2023-2025 – Meghan Storey (Current President)