IPAM Breakfast Meeting, Friday January 15, 2016

Safe Workers of Tomorrow and Injury Reduction

Over the course of this presentation, SWOT hopes to inform you on how they are helping to reduce the injury rates in Manitoba by providing you with some of the physical materials they provide to their workshop participants, and giving you an overview of their presentation types, content and how you can get involved with SAFE Workers of Tomorrow to make Manitoba a safer place to work.

Presenter: Torin Proulx, Occupational Safety Presenter (http://workersoftomorrow.com)

SAFE Workers of Tomorrow is a non-for profit organization created in 1997 to combat the staggering number of injuries occurring to vulnerable workers in Manitoba, namely young workers. Of the numerous reasons incidents occur in the workplace, one in particular is a large contributor, and that is a lack of proper training. SAFE Workers of Tomorrow, also known as SWOT, takes on the challenge of educating future generations of workers by providing them with hands on safety training, information and resources that they can use to help foster a positive and safety conscious workplace culture.

Since 1997, SWOT has provided over 10, 500 safety presentations and workshops to vulnerable workers across Manitoba. The engaging and energetic safety presenters at SWOT take on a key role in reducing the number of injuries to vulnerable workers in Manitoba by providing essential safety training. Training that is often absent in their high school curriculum as well as the orientations they should receive at many of the workplaces these at-risk individuals often find themselves in.

Date:   Friday, January 15, 2016
Time:  Networking 7:30am, Presentation 8:00am

Location:   Canad Inns Polo Park, 1405 St. Matthews Avenue, Winnipeg

IPAM Members – No Charge
Non-Members – $25.00

Register at – office@ipam-manitoba.com

Questions? Contact us at 204-275-3727

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